Errant Brewery, Arch 8, King Edward Bridge, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Tyne & Wear, NE1 3TQ
Telephone 07736 333303
BLO: Maria Wilson
Nestled in the heart of Newcastle in an old victorian railway arch, Errant is a hidden gem in Newcastle’s industrial playground. Tucked in amongst mechanics and fitness studios it’s a hardworking brewhouse. Under the near-constant hammering of the trains above Tom and Martyn are working to bring their pride and joy beers to Newcastle’s pubs.
Beers brewed
Tusk IPA 5.2%
Knight Session Ale 3.5%
Clever Girl Session IPA 4.1%
Ahab Lapsang Souchong Stout 5.0%
Flintlock Earl Grey Pale 4.3%
Talon Brown Ale 4.6%
Crystal Skull Rooibos Ruby 4.4%
Beers are available locally at Lady Greys, PTMY, Charles Grey, Brandling Villa, Split Chimp and at various outlets around the North East.
See our website for more details: